Adventure & Freedom in Life & Art

My grip was tight around the rope – as tight as I hoped the rope swing was secured to the branch above.  A lot of other hopes ran through my mind as boaters anchored in the water just beyond the drop zone waited for me to muster up the courage to swing on that long rope far over the rocks and drop into the water beyond. 

I hoped the water would be deep enough where I landed.

I hoped my muscles were strong enough to hold me long enough.

I hoped my bathing suit stayed somewhat in place.

I hoped I didn’t look like a complete idiot doing this alongside daredevils half my age.

I hoped I was holding a high enough knot so that my butt didn’t drag along the very rocks my toes were currently gripping.

This summer I made a less than popular decision (among adults) to join the daredevils at Chicken Rock.  And while it took me a minute to gather myself and tell my toes to let go of their hold, my decision to swing over the rocks on a long rope and drop 10 feet into the lake was made long before I was holding that rope.  My mind was set as soon as I dove in to swim to the island - I wasn’t going back without finishing the adventure.

As soon I was reassured my tight grip would hold me safely, I relaxed into the ride.  In giving up a bit of control, I felt free – playful – alive – and connected to every other person who would muster the courage to swing that day.  My fears disguised as hopes were no longer relevant because I was being true to myself in pursuing the adventure.  Not to mention I was having fun.

Adventure and freedom are often on my mind when I paint.  I feel a harmony within where feelings of calm, peacefulness and fulfillment play alongside feelings of being daring, courageous and adventurous. I am having fun. I am free.

Head over to my paintings and look for adventure and freedom in the brushstrokes. It’s there. I promise you & it’s infectious.


Color Stories & 64 Crayons